At the gym, the golf course, the mall, even the grocery store everywhere I go I seem to be seeing one active-male accessory these days. It's nothing more then a small colored arm band, after a little research I learned what this new craze was. The Trion:Z negative ionic gear bracelets combine fashion and function in a small but statement making bracelet

According to the company, Trion:Z bracelets and necklaces bring negative ions and twin 1,000 Gauss magnets together to form the most unique product of its kind today. Trion:Z is made with "Mineon Health Fibers", a unique material woven with negative-ion producing minerals, which generates and releases more than 50 to 100 times the negative ions of the metal "ionized" bracelets, silicon tourmaline-embedded bracelets, and titanium bracelets of the competition.
Trion:Z bracelets and necklaces use 1,000 Gauss axially magnetized magnets, arranged in a patented Alternating North-South Polarity Orientation (ANSPO) matrix that increases the penetrating power of the magnets.
The claims some people are making about these bands range from, curing major back pain, relieving minor aches, to suddenly improving one's golf game. While I will leave it to others to prove or disprove these claims I will say they do make a very subtle and impressive fashion statement. They have also launched a recent NCAA version of the product, and have already inked a deal with the University of Arizona, and are hoping to inked Arizona State in the near future. If you can't wait until they have the Sparky logo, you can currently can buy ASU maroon and gold bracelets at the Student Book Center 704 S College Avenue, Tempe, Arizona 85281 480-966-6226.
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